BeschreibungCOURT OF NAPLES Bankruptcy n. 204/10 Irrevocable and guaranteed purchase offers for all the THREE LOTS: A) "Polo Della Qualità s.c.a.r.l." complex composed of the entire real estate complex in Marcianise (CE), via Pozzo Bianco - ASI area with rights to all the parts and all the common facilities; B) all assets are subject to the leasing contract with Unicredit s.p.a. and Realese s.p.a.; C) all the movable assets present, such as the trademarks of which the company is the owner, are indicated in the appraisals to which they refer. Offer at the Court Registry of Naples - Dott. D'Antonio by 12 noon on October 1, 2018. MINIMUM deposit € 200,000.00; NO BASIC PRICE IS NOT PROVIDED, but it will conform to the comparison of the offer (even if unique), to the attached business plan and the feasibility of the same. There will not be a bound to accept the offer. Info: Curators Resp. Avv. Mario Oliviero (Sandulli & Associati), Avv. Roberta Napolitano, Prof. Dr. Pasquale Menditto - Naples at Via A. Depretis n. 51 (Sandulli & Associati - law firm) tel. 0812471133 - fax 0812452102 e-mail
LagebeschreibungCOURT OF NAPLES Bankruptcy n. 204/10 Irrevocable and guaranteed purchase offers for all the THREE LOTS: A) "Polo Della Qualità s.c.a.r.l." complex composed of the entire real estate complex in Marcianise (CE), via Pozzo Bianco - ASI area with rights to all the parts and all the common facilities; B) all assets are subject to the leasing contract with Unicredit s.p.a. and Realese s.p.a.; C) all the movable assets present, such as the trademarks of which the company is the owner, are indicated in the appraisals to which they refer. Offer at the Court Registry of Naples - Dott. D'Antonio by 12 noon on October 1, 2018. MINIMUM deposit € 200,000.00; NO BASIC PRICE IS NOT PROVIDED, but it will conform to the comparison of the offer (even if unique), to the attached business plan and the feasibility of the same. There will not be a bound to accept the offer. Info: Curators Resp. Avv. Mario Oliviero (Sandulli & Associati), Avv. Roberta Napolitano, Prof. Dr. Pasquale Menditto - Naples at Via A. Depretis n. 51 (Sandulli & Associati - law firm) tel. 0812471133 - fax 0812452102 e-mail